



  • Worship 敬拜

  • Preaching 讲道

  • Communion 圣餐

  • Baptism 施洗

  • Pastoral care 教牧关怀


  • Evangelism 传福音

  • Fellowship 团契

  • Christian Faith Education 基督教信仰教育 (儿童,青少 年)

  • Outreach 节日活动, 饭食


  • Annual Budget 年财政预算

  • Administering, Maintaining, and operating church property 维护运作教会财产

  • Distribution of church funds 合理分配教会基金

Volunteer opportunities 義工機會

Giving 奉献

Throughout Scripture, God has called his people to be generous. This generosity is shown in the use of our gifts, our time and our financial resources. It is our desire that giving to the church would be an act of worship, giving from a grateful heart for all that the Lord has done for you. You can contribute to the ministry of our church by mail:

Please make checks payable to "Lincoln Park Baptist Church" and send to "1450 Washington Street, West Newton,MA 02465."

Lincoln Park Baptist Church is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

奉献支票和现金请寄:Lincoln Park Baptist Church,1450 Washington Street, West Newton, MA 02465.

本教会是非营利机构。 所有的奉献都可以免税。


Prayer Request 祷告

Your prayer request opens the door, and God is waiting patiently on the other side of that door, at all times, in all situations, to join with you. Please know that you are a holy and precious Child of God and that God is always with you.



1: 在這特殊時期,求神赐下悔改的灵,求神的怜悯和恩典临到全地。

2: 为传道人和教会弟兄姊妹们在这个特殊时期开展教会工作祷告,求神怜悯看顾每一位弟兄姊妹和家人的平安;保守教会各项事工尤其是福音事工以及新开的主日学。

3: 为身体有软弱的肢体祷告,尤其为教会年长的弟兄姊妹们和家人祷告,求主特别得保守看顾他们平安渡过疫情。

4: 为弟兄姐妹家中没有信主的家人祷告,求神開門!

5: 为受洗但没有常来教会的弟兄姊妹祷告 在新的一年里能够回家,屬靈生命继续增长祷告。

6: 为弟兄姊妹们的工作祷告;求神幫助和保守!

7: 为教會青少年疫情中的课程和生活祷告,求主带领他们。


1: 請為美中關係禱告,願雙方都以民生為重。

2: 为美国的大选祷告,求主怜悯美国,赐下平安和平等给各个族裔。

3: 为在教会裡的托儿所祷告,求主帮助托儿所顺利通过与政府部门的协商,拿到開業文件。

4: 为住教会附近的從中国来的访问学者祷告,求主把更多的福音朋友和弟兄姊妹们带到教会。

5: 继续为新冠疫情在各地被有效被控制祷告;也为神的救恩临到更多的众生祷告。

6: 特別是為大、中、小學的學生禱告,求神賜下平安健康和喜樂的心回到學校,或者在家中上課,把作息時間恢復正常,跟同學和老師有良好的關係。

Structure & Collaboration 教会事工分配

Church Structure LPBC powerpoint.pptx

Constitution & Bylaws 教会憲章和法規

LPBC bylaw 2018.pdf